What do they do?
Social media monitoring, market research provider and they can answer all the questions you have about marketing.
Where are they located?
-Germany (headquarters)
-Czech Republic
The company was founded in 1957 as the „arbeitsgruppe für psychologische marktanalysen“ by Dr. Reinhold Bergler, Dr. Manfred Hambitzer and Dr. Klaus Haupt, originally as an academic company and not a commercial company. The methodologies deployed included in-depth psychological, qualitative interviews. In 1967, the company opened one of the first professional pharmaceutical market research departments. This was followed by a continued international expansion. As of August 2010, the company has offices in 13 countries and conducts market research in over 40 countries.
(source - Wikipedia)
What methods do they use?
Classic qualitative methods – group discussions, individual interviews – come into account, as well as the modern adaptations, like online communities or ethnographic approaches and the quantitative methodologies face-to-face, telephone, online panel or web interception. Social media monitoring is also part of our range.
(source - Official Psyma Website)